Dreams and aspirations: beautiful words of which I should not speak. Flooded with disillusion, my heart aches for the reality I created in thoughts fed by wise trees and bustling life.

I am drowning in a constant wave of sadness. It grows and grows and has eaten away at any positive balance that had restored in my anti-climactic confusion.


I will drink from the water that has crystal moons quivering in its depths.
I will scramble to find my soul in the caves where bats are tranquil in their slumber.
I will continue to send my eyes to the heavens and allow a small sense of contentment even if the rain falls heavy.
I will ignore the forked tongues and create my own antidote to poison sent through my veins.

I will grow into myself and my searching will one day come to an end.
This is a warning to myself.
I will not hurt for the wicked, nor will I hope for the hopeless.
I will instead find a path that spells my own name in its twists and turns and I will come to see the light between the canopy of my dampened forest.


  1. your posts always amaze me!
    thankyou for the lovely comment on my blog it made me smile! :)

  2. love reading your post.
    very honest, touching, and inspirational!

  3. really an amazing write...finding one self in their path is a high aspiration that will take care of many of the other things as well...

  4. I feel the fire and resolve in this poem
    I can related to the powerful words spoken here

  5. Extremely motivational and inspiring, you just cast the brightest beam of light my way!


Thankyou for your comments and criticisms!