Take my shoelace and unravel a dream,
He said.
Such pure innocence was inconceivable
To me in those moments of mine
And then, not one but two dreams
Descended their journey into my mouth,
‘let’s run away’ , I said, ‘for the voices
are telling me it’s time’.
The second dream laughed at me with
Sympathetic eyes and told me he was the reality.
‘So I must stay and rest. For I am what I am
and here is my home’
I tied back up his laces and we
walked in content shoes.


  1. Love the dream and the laces like a realistic fantasy

  2. To be content is fantastic. Most of us are rarely that.
    You do have a great writing style.

  3. Your thoughts, your words and comparisons are bind in such a zealous manner, I am glad you tied back the laces and walked together, dreams and reality should always walk together,they exist and are nourished by one another, it is only when our dreams drift to a world of their own that we face a problem with our reality!! Absolutely loved this!!!

  4. they obviously were chucks, because those are my contented shoes...smiles. at least they seemed good dreams...

  5. I love the whole concept of the shoelaces.... untied equally freedom and fantasy, tied reality --- and the way you "tied" it together at the beginning and end......very nice...bkm

  6. we walked in content shoes

    thats such a great phrase

  7. http://jingleyanqiu.wordpress.com/2010/05/29/week-20-poets-rally-poetry-awards-plus/

    two awards on the bottom of the post,
    Happy Sunday!

  8. It's difficult not to want to live in a dream sometimes, but having those dreams makes reality richer and spicier. Contentment is such a wonderful thing and so rarely found. Lovely poem...

  9. Like the laces unwoven and woven again this poem drifts beautifully towards its happy climax of contentment.

  10. Glad that you accepted the awards...


Thankyou for your comments and criticisms!